Know About of Continental Airlines Reservations Online


Process of reserving seats in the Continental Air 

Continental Air is an American based airline with its headquarters in Texas. Apart from providing low-cost flights, Continental Air allows the passengers to reserve their seats as well. With the help of a few steps, you can easily reserve seats in the continental Air. 

Steps of reserving seats in the Continental Air

The biggest advantage of reserving seats in the Continental Air is that you will be able to travel on your chosen seat and can avoid the disappointment of not getting desirable the flight seat. Hence to reserve seats in the Continental Air, follow the Continental Airlines reservations steps. 

  • Open the official website of the Continental Air and move to manage my bookings option of the airline. 
  • Now under manage my bookings, enter all your flight details such as the name of the passenger and booking number. 
  • Move to the next page where all your flight details will load and from there try to find the choose seat option if available. In case you don't find that option then the airline does not allow seat selection. 
  • Pick any one seat from the option given and make the payment if required. Once done, follow the onscreen steps and save the changes. 

And hence you are done! With the help of all these steps of Continental Airlines Reservations, you can choose your own seats. Apart from these steps, if there are any doubts then reach out to the customer care team of the airline. They will try to fix your issues.